MEP Ciaran Mullooly (Independent Ireland/EDP) recently addressed the European Parliament on the need to retain the nitrates derogation. Mullooly has become the first Irish MEP, of this term, to directly appeal to the MEPs for their support on the critical issue of Ireland's nitrates derogation. This crucial allowance underpins the nation's grass-based farming system and is set to expire at the end of 2025. What is the nitrates derogation? The nitrates derogation is a special permission from the EU allowing Irish farmers to apply up to 220 kg of livestock manure nitrogen per hectare, higher than the standard EU limit of 170 kg/ha. This higher limit is essential for Ireland's unique grass-based farming system. Why does Ireland need it? Mullooly emphasised Ireland's distinctive agricultural advantage: "Ireland has a unique ability to grow lush green grass, which has the least impact on our environment. Grass is the most natural and environmentally friendly source of feedstuffs." He stressed the importance of the derogation for family farms: "Losing this derogation would be devastating for Irish family farms, particularly in the Midlands and North-West." Retaining the derogation Mullooly highlighted the efforts already made by Irish farmers: "In Ireland, we have adopted new methods to reduce the environmental impact, where we brought in a subsidised national liming programme, low-emission slurry-spreading equipment systems have proven highly effective, there's been a reduction in crude protein in animal feed and, of course, environmental training and improving environmental farm biodiversity, with new hedgerows retaining native trees." He added, "We are doing our best, and based on this, we're confident that the scientific evidence will clearly show that Ireland should – and must – retain our competitive advantage of growing grass with the retention of the nitrates derogation." The fate of the derogation lies with the EU Commission and the Council of Ministers, with a decision expected before the end of 2025. Mullooly is actively seeking support from fellow MEPs to persuade their respective Ministers for Environment to back Ireland's request for an extension. "In less than 18 months' time, farmers of Ireland will face a major decision in Brussels on the future of their industry," Mullooly stressed. He added, "As I say, it will be in the city of Brussels that Our Council of Ministers and the Commission will decide this issue." Call to action Mullooly concluded with a powerful appeal: "I've been asked to come to this House today to ask our MEPs to speak to their Member State ministers and their governments and impress upon them our case for retaining the nitrates derogation. I appeal to MEPs to bring the message back that Ireland has a very special case to retain its derogation." This initiative by MEP Mullooly marks a significant step in Ireland's efforts to retain its nitrates derogation, crucial for maintaining the competitiveness and sustainability of Irish family farms in Ireland.
A German MEP has pledged to support the campaign of Irish farmers to retain the nitrates derogation after visiting two intensive dairy farms in county Longford last weekend. Bavarian-based MEP Christine Singer accepted the invitation from the Independent Ireland Midlands North West MEP Ciaran Mullooly to come and see for herself the potential damage that losing the derogation could cause to the grass-based enterprise here by embarking on a fact-finding visit to two progressive Longford Farms and then supporting MEP Mullooly’s plans to directly engage with all EU council of ministers and fellow EU MEPS in the next 12 months.
With the Nitrates Derogation Coming up for review in Europe, Ciaran Mullooly has committed already to briefing all fellow Members of the powerful EU Agricultural Committee first-hand on the importance of the derogation for Irish grass-based Farmers Christine Singer a dairy farmer herself and MEP from Germany was the first MEP on the committee to accept Mullooly's invitation to visit and has now stated that she will be supporting the Irish case to maintain the Nitrates Degradation for Ireland Singer and Mullooly first visited the farm of Ann and John Sheridan and their family at Firmount, Edgeworthstown. After walking the paddocks and meeting regional IFA staff, She saw the work they have already started on a new slurry storage facility on the farm and stated that she is very impressed with the new technology that is being used on Irish farms to further reduce the impact on the environment. On a visit to the farm of Joe and Barbara McGreal and their son Cathal at Corbeagh house in Ballinalee, Ciaran Mullooly MEP said it is clear by the level of investment on both farms that they are very much committed to adopting new farming practices to enhance the environment. “With the increase in clover in Irish grass and both the use of protected Urea and new direct slurry injection into the soil, Mullooly said, “Our farmers are doing more than their fair share of the work to cope with the challenge ahead.” Christine Singer and Ciaran Mullooly complimented both farmers she visited and will now work together to win the hearts and minds of the new EU commissioners for Environment and Agriculture in supporting the campaign for the retention of the Derogation in the next crucial 12-month period. “We know the European Parliament will not decide this matter so we must all work together to ensure that the new commissioners are made abundantly aware of the importance of the derogation to our farmers” Ciaran said, “visits like this week are hugely important in getting the message to our colleagues in the other member states.” MEP Ciaran Mullooly has said he will initiate a consultation process with community groups in the midlands to assess the effectiveness of the European Just Transition Fund (EUJTF). This comes after recent allocations of grant aid to various projects in the region. Mullooly is seeking to gather comprehensive feedback on the impact of these allocations, particularly in relation to former Bord na Móna and ESB workers and their families. Mullooly raised important questions, asking: "How many community groups were involved in this EUJTF process? How many former Bord na Móna and ESB workers or their families directly benefited from the grant aid?"
These questions highlight his commitment to ensuring full engagement from those affected by the EUJTF initiatives. As the European Commission undertakes a review of the EUJTF's operations, President Ursula von der Leyen has indicated that "red tape and regulation is hampering the effectiveness of the EUJTF schemes within some countries - with 40 million euros unspent." In light of this, Mullooly emphasised the need for community feedback before the Commission's review is presented to the European Parliament early next year. This feedback, he noted, will be crucial in shaping potential legislative changes ahead of the introduction of EUJTF 2.0. Mullooly has encouraged all community groups in the midlands to participate in this consultation during the month of August. He has assured them that their views will be represented as part of the Commission's review process. Mullooly, who will be involved in scrutinising the review as part of the European Parliament's Regional Development Committee, stated, "Your view will be heard. I can assure you of that." Through his efforts, Mullooly aims to ensure that the experiences and concerns of midlands communities are taken into account as the EUJTF evolves, reflecting his dedication to effective and responsive policy-making. Ciaran Mullooly, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing Midlands-North-West for Independent Ireland, has issued a strong call for immediate action to address the alarming decline in suckler cow numbers and the significant drop in beef farmers’ income in Ireland. Speaking ahead of the annual Beef Show in Tullamore, Mullooly highlighted the critical challenges facing the Irish beef sector, particularly in the Midlands and North-West regions. Ireland has seen a significant reduction in suckler cow numbers over the past decade, with projections indicating a further decline in the coming years. The income of beef farmers has also plummeted, with the Teagasc report for 2023 revealing an average income of just €14,700 per farmer.
“This decline is not just a threat to our rural communities and the family farm model, but it’s a national economic issue that requires urgent intervention,” Mullooly stated. “The measures we need to counter this decline are clear and must be implemented without delay.” MEP Mullooly has confirmed that he has written to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen to propose a number of practical steps that can be taken at a European level and moves that must be supported by the Minister for Agriculture here at home. Key measures proposed by MEP Mullooly: 1. Extension of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status Mullooly is advocating for the extension of the EU’s Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status to include Irish suckler cow herds. He says this move would help preserve the identity and heritage of native Irish beef and provide a premium market for these products. 2. Investigation into the Irish beef market In his correspondence to the Commission President, Mullooly has urged the immediate appointment of THE new Agricultural Commissioner to investigate the dysfunctional beef market in Ireland. The investigation, Mullooly insists, should be conducted in collaboration with Ireland’s newly established Agri-Food Regulatory Body to ensure fair pricing and sustainability in the sector. 3. Retail price transparency Mullooly is also calling for greater transparency in retail pricing, specifically advocating for the publication of the percentage of the end product price that goes to producers. This transparency, he argues, is essential for ensuring that farmers receive a fair share of the profits. A call for direct support to suckler herd owners In addition to these measures, Mullooly is pushing for the introduction of a new direct payment scheme specifically aimed at supporting suckler herd owners. This payment would provide much-needed financial stability to farmers and help sustain the suckler herd population in Ireland. Mullooly concluded by stressing the urgency of these actions, stating, “Our beef farmers are the backbone of rural Ireland, and we must take decisive steps to protect their livelihoods and preserve our agricultural heritage.” Independent Ireland MEP, Ciaran Mullooly, has strongly condemned the recent proposal from the European Commission to reduce the Promotion Budget and 2025 Annual Works Programme for agricultural produce by 50%, stating: “This proposal must be rejected and when Council representatives meet in September there must be unanimous opposition to it.” “This proposal is not in line with the Commission’s commitment to support EU family Farmers,” said MEP Mullooly: “These farmers are the backbones of rural communities and depend greatly on this co-funding from the EU to see their produce promoted internationally.
“On July 18th, the then Commission President candidate Ursula von der Leyen, in her pre-election address to the incoming European Parliament vowed to make sure that farmers receive a fair income if she was re-elected as president of the European Commission. “As we know, Ms von der Leyen was re-elected as President of the Commission, albeit without my support, and straight out of the traps we have a proposed cut. It beggars belief that this deviation is in keeping with her vow to ensure farmers receive a fair income. MEP Mullooly confirmed today (Wednesday) that he will be proposing an amendment to the Commission’s proposal at the next European Parliament Agriculture Committee meeting and will be seeking support from other MEPs on the AGRI Committee: “We can not allow the Commission to make any reduction in the budget for promoting and supporting EU agricultural products. “The present programs have been used successfully by Bord Bia, in conjunction with other EU countries’ food marketing boards, and a proposed cut of 50% is simply unacceptable at a time when farmers are on their knees. The IFA has confirmed that the EU budget in 2024 is approximately €186 million and will be fully utilised. According to MEP Mullooly, the proposed cut “must be opposed” and he said that he would be corresponding with his party colleagues Michael Fitzmaurice TD and Michael Collins TD advising them of the proposed changes and informing them of my opposition and plan of action to make amendments at a European level. Both Deputy Collins, Leader of Independent Ireland and Deputy Fitzmaurice sit on the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee and have highlighted the issue of EU trends favouring importing lower quality produce such as Brazilian beef from outside the EU at a national level for some time now. Fitzmaurice said he: “Conmmends MEP Mullooly on his judgement in not supporting Ursula von der Leyen as EU Commission President as she promised everything to get elected and now has turned her back on those vowes. Concluding his remarks, Fitzmaurice said: “Brazil intends to increase its national herd by more than the total current national herd of Ireland by 2030. The result is that the EU obviously intend to stop promoting EU-produced agriculture products leaving consumers little or no choice but to buy imported food stuffs.” In a recent statement, Independent Ireland MEP Ciaran Mullooly, representing the Midlands-North-West constituency, has addressed his committee memberships and his ongoing commitment to Irish fisheries. Mullooly, who joined the European Parliament with the Independent Ireland party, faced challenges in securing committee positions due to the competitive nature of assignments.
“As an Independent MEP from a small party, I was informed upon my arrival in Brussels that I would be unattached from any groupings and would therefore not sit on any committees,” Mullooly stated. “Nevertheless, I set out to try and get full voting places on both the agriculture (AGRI) and fisheries (PECH) committees as I had pledged.” Despite his efforts, Mullooly explained that the first preference for committee places typically goes to those MEPs who were members in the previous parliament. This practice made it difficult for him to secure positions on both committees. “I was told it would not be possible to get on either committee, even as a substitute, due to high demand,” he noted. However, Mullooly successfully negotiated a place as a member of the important Regional Development Committee and secured a substitute position on the Agriculture Committee. This arrangement allows him to contribute and vote on key issues affecting Ireland when necessary, thanks to a bilateral agreement with another European Democratic Party MEP. Mullooly also addressed his involvement with the Fisheries Committee, despite not being a formal member. “Even though I wasn’t offered a place as a substitute on the PECH Committee, I have pledged to monitor events at the PECH Committee here in Brussels and will work with all members and Irish MEPs for the good of Irish fishing,” he affirmed. In closing, Mullooly emphasised his commitment to his constituents and his promises. “I did not renege on any commitment. I remain fully engaged and dedicated to advocating for Irish interests in the European Parliament.” Ciaran Mullooly, Independent Ireland’s candidate for Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the Midlands North-West constituency, has called for the urgent reinstatement of the 9% VAT rate for small, independent restaurants and cafés. As closures of vital community businesses continue at an alarming rate of two per day across the country, Mullooly has urged the Irish Government to leverage the updated EU VAT Directive to provide immediate relief.
For nearly a year, the debate over whether a split in the VAT rate to allow the hospitality sector's food element to return to 9% while the accommodation element would remain at 13.5% has overshadowed the critical need for action. Mullooly, who has thoroughly researched the issue, has argued that a lack of basic understanding of EU VAT law is now harming the hospitality industry. “The updated EU VAT Directive allows for Member States to apply different VAT rates to restaurant and catering services versus accommodation services, offering the flexibility needed to reintroduce a 9% VAT rate specifically for food-led businesses,” the Independent Ireland candidate said. "The EU VAT Directive provides a clear legislative pathway for differentiating VAT rates within the hospitality sector," Mullooly added. "The Irish Government is in a position to lower the 9% VAT rate for restaurant and catering services while maintaining the 13.5% rate for accommodation services. This is not just possible but necessary to save our struggling small businesses." Public and political support for lowering the VAT rate for food businesses is overwhelming - with 64% in support versus 18% against in a recent Red C poll. "Our hospitality sector is integral to the fabric of Irish society. By taking advantage of the flexibility offered by the EU VAT Directive, we can ensure that our local restaurants and cafés not only survive but thrive," Mullooly stated. "We must not let bureaucratic inertia and a misunderstanding of EU law continue to devastate the social fabric of communities in the Midlands North-West and across the country." "It cannot be stressed enough that the current crisis facing our hospitality sector is not just an economic issue but also a social one," Mullooly concluded: "Our communities are being deprived of the local restaurants and cafés that serve as essential meeting places for socialising, working and celebrating significant milestones. It's beyond time that the Irish Government takes decisive action.” Ciaran Mullooly, a candidate for Independent Ireland in the upcoming European elections, has committed to championing the Irish fisheries industry as it battles the dominance of Dutch and Spanish trawlers under restrictive European legislation. Contesting the Midlands North-West constituency, which spans fifteen counties with over 3,300 kilometers of coastline, Mullooly has made the fight for fair fishing quotas a cornerstone of his campaign. "Ireland's fishing industry has been dealt an incredibly unfair hand," Mullooly asserted. "We control 12% of all EU waters but are allocated just 5.6% of the fishing quotas. This is a blatant injustice that cannot continue.
Our vessels are allowed to catch only 15% of the fish in our own waters, while foreign trawlers exploit our rich marine resources." Speaking in Killybegs at a meeting with representatives of fisheries bodies, he highlighted the disparity by pointing out that Ireland's coastline is six times greater than that of the Netherlands, yet Dutch fleets legally caught 40% more fish in the North Atlantic than Irish fleets in a single year. “This is not just about numbers; it's about the livelihoods of our fishermen and fisherwomen, the sustainability of our coastal communities, and the preservation of our maritime heritage," he said. A former RTÉ journalist and broadcaster with over thirty years of experience in the community and voluntary sector, Mullooly brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of local issues to his campaign. He stressed the need for a united front among Irish MEPs to address these inequities. "Regardless of party lines, all Irish MEPs must rally together to fight for our fisheries. This is a national issue that demands our collective action." Mullooly's commitment to the cause resonates strongly with coastal communities within his constituency, who have long felt the pressures of restrictive quotas and the encroachment of larger, more powerful foreign trawlers. "Fishing communities in Mayo, Galway, Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal along with the coastal counties of Louth, and Meath, are the backbone of our maritime culture. They deserve a fair share of the resources that are rightfully ours," he declared. Though he has yet to decide which European political grouping he will align with, Mullooly stated that his decision will depend on the post-election composition of the parliament. "I will choose the alliance that best serves the interests of Ireland and our fisheries. My priority is to ensure that our voice is heard loud and clear in Europe," he emphasized. Mullooly also criticized the terms of Ireland's entry into the EU in 1973, particularly regarding fishing rights. "Fishing was handed a very bad deal when we joined the EU. It's high time we renegotiated these terms to reflect the realities and needs of our industry today. The quotas imposed on us are outdated and unjust." As the election draws near, Mullooly remains steadfast in his advocacy, engaging with constituents and pledging to bring their concerns to the forefront of the European Parliament. "This election is a pivotal moment for Irish fisheries. We must seize this opportunity to demand fair treatment and ensure the sustainability of our industry for future generations," he said. In closing, Mullooly reinforced his unwavering commitment: "Our fishermen and fisherwomen deserve better. They deserve a fair deal, and I will fight tooth and nail to make sure they get it. This is about protecting our way of life and ensuring that our coastal communities thrive. Together, we can achieve a better future for Irish fisheries." The vast constituency takes in fifteen counties across three provinces with a population of 1.8 million people. "We can't afford NOT to invest in housing"In light of the recent leaked bombshell report from the Government-appointed Housing Commission, Ciaran Mullooly, Independent Ireland MEP candidate for Midlands-North-West, condemns the government's failure to address Ireland’s housing crisis and pledges to seek solutions to the systemic issues facing the country, in Europe’s institutions, if elected. Policy failures
The Housing Commission’s report lays bare the chronic issues plaguing Ireland’s housing sector. The Commission’s findings include a call for a radical “strategic reset” of housing policy, citing ineffective decision-making and reactive policies and a severe housing deficit, estimated between 212,500 and 256,000 homes as of the 2022 Census, contributing to larger household sizes, lack of affordable housing, and increasing homelessness. The report also noted that Wicklow, Dublin, and Kerry were identified as the least affordable counties, with Dublin suffering from contradictions between national planning and foreign direct investment patterns. A significant need to increase social housing to 20% of the national stock, with stable public and private funding, was also a key finding of the leaked report. Mullooly’s commitment Ciaran Mullooly emphasises that the Housing Commission’s report underscores yet another failure of government policy. He asserts that immediate and decisive action is necessary to mitigate the crisis: "The Housing Commission's report is a damning indictment of the government's persistent failure to address Ireland’s housing crisis. “The severity of the housing deficit, coupled with one of the highest levels of public expenditure for housing in Europe yielding some of the poorest outcomes, is unacceptable. “If elected to the European Parliament, I will leave no stone unturned to secure strategic funding to front-load the costs associated with supplying more social and affordable housing now, not in the distant future. Generation rent Mullooly, a bulwark of rural regeneration said: “While the report places great emphasis on the need to increase social housing stock, we need to also be conscious of the fact that ‘generation rent’ is a generation of middle-income earners trapped between qualifying for social housing and being able to afford to buy a house. “Therefore, I will be searching high-up and low-down in Europe for all and any funding that may be available to enable the state to frontload investment in housing now, not later. “My party’s ‘Housing and Infrastructure plan’ which is being developed as part of our general election manifesto, clearly identifies that this is a problem which is almost completely of the current Government’s making. It is complex but there are common sense solutions that if applied in practice could have a truly meaningful impact on the lives of people. The former RTÉ Midlands Correspondent explained that the problems facing the housing sector are multi-faceted and simply: “throwing more money at the issue, indiscriminately, will not even make a dent in it. A veteran journalist and community worker, Mullooly understands that tackling the housing crisis requires “radical measures and systemic reforms” and continued: “Population increases, ridiculously high building standards, and unbridled taxation are all within the gift of our national Government to address. But they simply have not. Accessing EU funding Mullooly plans to leverage his position in the European Parliament if elected, to access critical EU funding to address the systemic issues in Ireland’s housing sector. According to Mr Mullooly, specific funds that could be pursued include: “The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), this fund supports social inclusion and helps address housing affordability issues across the EU. I don’t think Ireland has taken full advantage of this funding for this purpose.” “The Affordable Housing Initiative under the Single Market Programme (SMP-COSME), this initiative aims to support the construction and renovation of affordable housing using innovative approaches and multi-stakeholder partnerships. Again, we need to be certain Ireland is leveraging all these funding streams, not tomorrow but - TODAY!” “The European Investment Bank (EIB) has already financed social housing projects in Ireland and can be a critical partner in scaling up these efforts.” "I will advocate for Ireland to tap into these EU strategic funding mechanisms to address our housing supply crisis starting on day one in Brussels. “By securing EU funds, we can mitigate the impact of inflation and construction costs, ensuring that building more homes becomes a priority now rather than being delayed indefinitely. “The cost of inaction is too high, and with the right support from the EU, we can turn the tide on this crisis and provide the housing security that our citizens desperately need." Personal Statement from Ciaran Mullooly, Independent Ireland MEP candidate, Midlands-North West and former RTE Midlands Correspondent: “Coimisiún na Meán offers guidance to broadcasters such as RTÉ so they may consider the evidence provided by recent opinion polls before making important final decisions on whom to give valuable airtime to or include in influential high-profile debates such as Monday night’s Midlands North West debate on RTE One. “The last test of the electoral popularity of many of the individual candidates in this European Parliament campaign was a full five years ago. Most of those who went before the public at that stage have not had an opportunity to indicate an increase or decline in their support from the electorate since 2019, and two of the four MEPs elected in Midlands North West at that time have since left office.
“Coimisiún na Meán is clearly of the opinion that RTE - aware of the consistently - high ratings of a candidate carried out over 5 successive opinion polls by professional research companies (IPSOS, Red C and Ireland Thinks) over the last 8 weeks - can ignore or dismiss such findings in distributing critical airtime or selecting just 8 representatives to take part in Monday's Primetime TV debate. Furthermore, RTE itself refuses to follow the guidance of Coimisiún na Meán. “Yesterday, I made RTÉ aware of the clear evidence of these 5 opinion polls. I suggested they meet with my Director of Elections to review such evidence before finalising their decision on the TV debate structure. RTÉ has yet to accept the invitation to attend such a meeting. Today I intend to raise this very significant discrepancy in the interpretation of the guidelines set down by Coimisiún na Meán with the Director General of RTÉ, the Chairperson of the Board and the Minister for Communications. Deputy Michael Fitzmaurice, Independent Ireland TD for Roscommon-Galway said this of the decision: “It’s hard to believe a candidate for a party with three sitting TDs, who is in serious contention for a seat according to every poll, would be excluded from a key TV debate. “But the deck is loaded it seems. It’s the same old story, but it is very unfair to new independent candidates and candidates from smaller parties or newer parties. Yes, there has to be limits but to be fair, applying a bit of common sense would greatly improve the public’s trust in the process. Personal Statement from Ciaran Mullooly, Independent Ireland MEP candidate, Midlands-North West and former RTE Midlands Correspondent: “Coimisiún na Meán offers guidance to broadcasters such as RTÉ so they may consider the evidence provided by recent opinion polls before making important final decisions on whom to give valuable airtime to or include in influential high-profile debates such as Monday night’s Midlands North West debate on RTE One. “The last test of the electoral popularity of many of the individual candidates in this European Parliament campaign was a full five years ago. Most of those who went before the public at that stage have not had an opportunity to indicate an increase or decline in their support from the electorate since 2019, and two of the four MEPs elected in Midlands North West at that time have since left office. “Coimisiún na Meán is clearly of the opinion that RTE - aware of the consistently - high ratings of a candidate carried out over 5 successive opinion polls by professional research companies (IPSOS, Red C and Ireland Thinks) over the last 8 weeks - can ignore or dismiss such findings in distributing critical airtime or selecting just 8 representatives to take part in Monday's Primetime TV debate. Furthermore, RTE itself refuses to follow the guidance of Coimisiún na Meán. “Yesterday, I made RTÉ aware of the clear evidence of these 5 opinion polls. I suggested they meet with my Director of Elections to review such evidence before finalising their decision on the TV debate structure. RTÉ has yet to accept the invitation to attend such a meeting. Today I intend to raise this very significant discrepancy in the interpretation of the guidelines set down by Coimisiún na Meán with the Director General of RTÉ, the Chairperson of the Board and the Minister for Communications. Deputy Michael Fitzmaurice, Independent Ireland TD for Roscommon-Galway said this of the decision: “It’s hard to believe a candidate for a party with three sitting TDs, who is in serious contention for a seat according to every poll, would be excluded from a key TV debate. “But the deck is loaded it seems. It’s the same old story, but it is very unfair to new independent candidates and candidates from smaller parties or newer parties. Yes, there has to be limits but to be fair, applying a bit of common sense would greatly improve the public’s trust in the process. |
About Ciaran Mullooly
Native of: Lanesborough, Co Longford Archives
September 2024
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